The Masterplast Group focuses on improving the specific efficiency of emissions values in its continuously expanding business
Greenhouse gas emissions are a major contributor to climate change. The Masterplast Group supports and embraces the goal of keeping emissions below 2°C, and preferably below 1.5°C, as set by the Paris Climate Agreement. Emissions into the air from manufacturing and emissions from logistics and distribution activities are the most significant emissions of Masterplast.
As greenhouse gases have a detrimental impact on the ecosystem, human and animal health, Masterplast is committed to stabilising and, where possible, reducing the specific emissions from its business activities. The Company will continue to prioritise the goal of reducing specific CO2 emissions as the company expands its business activities thereby contributing to employee and local population health improvement.
CO2 emission due to Sárszentmihály production base’s energy consumption (t)
Distribution of emissions from Sárszentmihály manufacturing base’s activities
The scope of greenhouse gas emissions can be direct, indirect and other indirect. This report covers indirect emissions. The Sárszentmihály site is also the logistics centre of the Masterplast Group, as indicated by the higher distribution of the Sárszentmihály site compared to the other sites
The ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standard, the ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management System Standard and the ISO 50001:2011 Energy
Management System Standard are in force at the sites as follows:
Masterplast Plc. ISO 50001:2011 TIC 15 275 16157 MSZ EN ISO 9001:2015 INTERCERT 181689 MSZ EN ISO 14001:2015 INTERCERT 181689 Masterplast Ltd. ISO 50001:2011 TIC 15 275 18205 Masterplast International Ltd. ISO 50001:2011 TIC 15 275 18206 Masterplast Hungária Ltd. ISO 50001:2011 TIC 15 275 18204 Masterfoam Ltd. ISO 14001:2015 TIC 15 104 7324 ISO 50001:2011 TIC 15 275 18202 ISO 9001:2015 TIC 15 100 74347 Masterprofil Ltd. ISO 50001:2011 TIC 15 275 18203